Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blueprint Cleanse Follow Up

So remember the Blueprint Cleanse I did when I returned for the Fancy Food Show? Well I totally loved it. I can't believe how easy it was. I was able to give up the diet coke without any headaches or sickness. I was so surprised that I could actually do a juice cleanse without staying home sick in bed for the whole 3 days.
On the last night of the cleanse I totally began the huge undertaking of "detoxing" my office/junk room and I am gradually making my way through my whole house. The deal is I can not break out midlife crisis handbag until my house is totally "detoxed"
Other positive benefits from the cleanse-
I have not had any sugar/candy which is sort of difficult in a candy factory and part of my job is picking out new candy items.
I am limiting myself to 1 diet coke a week.
Drinking tons of water and eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
French Fries...well that is a totally different story. I love them more now than ever.
I am going to do it again in the fall if anyone wants to join in let me know.

1 comment:

Ableggi said...

I may try it!! The juices actually sounded good! I love that you are also detoxing your house! AS for the candy you are not eating...bring it my way...PLEASE!!