Let's make it clear we are not friends! What I really want to say is I
hate you. Why? Let me tell you-
1- Stolen credit card/id drama. This is the second time in 3 years this has
happened in your month.
2-Broken furnace, repaired furnace, broken furnace again. Fabulous!
3-The return of two people I really have issues with to my place of
work. And yes they both seem to return at this time of year every year. Why?
4-Valentine's Day! Need I say more? Working 70 hours the week of
Valentine's Day is not fun.
5-"big gun" customer having some issues I need to work though....ugh.
6- Being disappointed in someone that I have always really liked and
7-Return of a customer who sucks every bit of energy I have.
8-72 yes I said 72 viruses on my computer....maybe that explains #1.
The best thing about you is there are only 28 days that I have to
spend with you.
I will be ready for you next year so watch out!
Take Care-
So yes I know I have it really good when so many people
in the world have really big problems but February kicks my but EVERY single year.
I am so excited for March. It is going to be a great month!
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